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An interactive art installation intertwining the myth of Arachne, Power and Weaving.

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Weaving women is an interactive art installation inspired by the art and craft of weaving. This project aims to expose the web of feminism, sustainability, art, storytelling and more associated to weaving. The audience navigates our web through the eyes of mythological character Arachne.

Join us at our virtual exhibition for an immersive and inspiring experience. 

We invite you to visit the exhibition on your laptop/computer for the best experience!

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Weave your own story

With this project we aim to provide the full story of Arachne and the relevance it has to modern society. Even though it is a greek myth, themes like misogyny, classicism and sexualization still form a problem today. As audience, you will be able to decide Arachne's fate and learn how her story connects to issues in the present.


Image by Chris Chow

In stories, myths and history, weaving is often associated with women or a stereotypical view of womanhood. We aim to disentangle this web of symbolism and connotations. We feel that it is important to acknowledge our own bias in curating this exhibition by the theory of situated knowledge. Feminist scholar Donna Harraway constructed this concept to describe how every person views the world from their own lens. This lens in turn also influences the way in which an individual constructs knowledge. In this exhibition, we aim to bring you a holistic overview of weaving which includes practices from cultures all  over the world. Even though we try to do this objectively, we urge you to be critical for we can only guide you in the direction of a true representation of those amazing practices. 

Why women and how to represent them?

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